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Office furniture donation for education cause

As some people may know, ITRS Stockholm, Sweden has moved from an old and large traditional office located in a rough suburb area into a smaller managed office in town.
Furniture like tables, desks, and cupboards was to be left behind as we could not fit all of it into the new office. We thought about what to do with the “left-overs” since all were old and used, but some still in decent shape – maybe we could find some kind of charity where it would come to use?

The way the discussions went was that recycling is a good deed in itself, and it was the desired outcome for all of us. If we could also find somewhere the furniture would be appreciated and come to good use, it would be even better…
Not to mention that it would be a small plus to avoid the cost of sending it to recycling using an external company.

As we looked around we heard about a school, not too far away, that had been renovated and expanded, but where the planning and project responsible forgot to include furnishing for the additional space. We learned that this school has the same principal as another school, in that same area, that could use a few basic additions to their classrooms as well. This felt like a good fit and presented a good cause, so we got in contact with the principal.

To say that they were happy is an understatement – they were super happy.
They managed to arrange a pickup truck to come and get the furniture for the schools, where they were able to use most of the tables and a few cupboards. They even succeeded in reusing an old sofa making a cozy reading corner for the kids.

A win-win where we both helped the kids with a better study environment and managed to save costs for the company.