Relaunch: Customer Resources Site
Our new Resources homepage launched March 13th 2019. We are always looking to find new ways to streamline our technical resources so that you can find what you need faster. Over the past year we have launched projects to improve the website search, learning management and many others. As we execute these projects, we know that sometimes you can come upon what looks like an unfamiliar page. We hope that these new pages and look and feel will help you to navigate through our site faster and ultimately build your confidence that Resources is the one stop shop for everything ITRS. ITRS has also acquired capacity planning tool, Sumerian, as well as enterprise monitoring tool OP5. This site will help us standardize how we host multiple products in the marketplace.
New things to look out for:
- The useful scripts section has been moved directly to Github. We have always stored the gold copy of those solutions there and so we eliminated the step of saving the project to our own website. While these solutions are not supported by our core development team, our smart technical teams will endeavor to keep them up to date as things change.
- The Downloads section is slightly restructured. While the downloads remain the same, we are preparing the back end to support more automated building of our binaries straight to our download site. We are also parameterizing the downloads better so that a user that wants to download all “64 bit Linux Production Binaries” can do so programmatically. We hope in the future that our client’s online systems can use these packages to update local copies so that redistribution and upgrade of our software will become more seamless.
- The Training sections content has not changed, just a face lift. Towards the end of Q3 this year we will launch our new Learning Management System.
- All our blogs have been consolidated between all our sites so that all news and events can be found in the same place.
As always, any questions you have about where something is, try the search or contact our support teams.