
Modern Slavery Act 2015

ITRS statement

This statement is made on behalf of the wider ITRS Group which includes the ITRS group, Op5 group, Uptrends group and also Opsview group companies, pursuant to Section 54, part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the steps that the wider ITRS Group has taken and continues to take, in order to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in our supply chains or in any part of our business. 

Our approach

The ITRS Group always operates to the highest professional standards applicable to our sector. We expect those same high standards from those parties with whom we engage and we are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain. This commitment is detailed in our Anti-Slavery Policy. We are working to embed a robust risk management framework throughout our operations, so that we can ensure that we are only working with suppliers who share our values and our commitment to ending modern slavery and human trafficking. 

Supplier due diligence 

Our suppliers are partners in our business success; they are expected to comply with all local laws and regulations. We take a risk-based approach to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any of our operations or in our supply chain. Our supplier questionnaire requires that our suppliers: (1) explain the steps they have taken to avoid modern slavery or human trafficking in their own supply chain; and (2) comply with the Anti-Modern Slavery provisions of the ITRS Group Code of Conduct. 

Recruitment, values and culture

The ITRS Group’s values ensure that we provide a fair and ethical work environment for all our staff globally.
Our recruitment process, managed through our Recruitment Team, is fully compliant with all applicable global employment legislation. In addition to compliance with all global minimum pay requirements, we also have a global Whistleblowing Policy so that concerns can be raised and safely resolved.
Our Diversity and Inclusion Policy and procedures similarly reflect the ITRS Group focus on diversity, as well as its continuing commitment to preventing discrimination, harassment and bullying in all its forms and across the whole of the ITRS Group globally.


We have a policy in place accessible to all employees and provide training for all new starters to ensure that anyone who has responsibility for procurement within our company receives appropriate training to identify issues related to slavery and human trafficking; and to review standard terms with suppliers as a means of ensuring disclosure and compliance.

James Colquhoun
CFO, ITRS Group. Approved – 4 February 2025